Communicating With Your Mysterious Superconscious to Change Your Life | SOFREP

2022-04-01 03:41:51 By : Mr. Matt He


More than ever, we humans need to communicate with each other. Witness this senseless war in Ukraine: none of the important parties are communicating effectively.

Remember that disappointments in life happen for two main reasons: 1. Unexpressed communications and 2. Unfulfilled expectations.

What happens when warring factions withhold communications and expectations for fear of losing the high ground to their opponent?

I wrote this piece to turn you on to my hypothesis about the most mysterious entity in the known universe. Like parenting, there’s no manual for it, although there should be, as it’s the key to living a grand life. And, like parenting, when you understand how it works, it can be the most fulfilling thing in your life.

One of the greatest creations in the universe is the human superconscious. It is in direct communication with the universe, which suggests it also communicates collectively with the superconscious of others, all via what I term celestiophysics.

Please note that I use the term superconscious over the dated subconscious. The superconscious is our greatest asset and, therefore, deserves a loftier title than “subconscious.”

I hypothesize that all that so-called “junk DNA” is actually coding for unknown proteins involved in the operation of the superconscious. And sadly, we were not “meant” to understand or even study the superconscious.

I was trained in earth-based physics and electrical engineering, applied to tissue culture/virology, marine biology and neurobiology. But my notion of the physics of the universe could not be defined using what I had learned as a scientist.

Looking deeper into it, I found that many phenomena on earth had to be considered a little differently. So I came up with the term celestiophysics to describe how all the forces of the universe manipulate and modulate biophysical and geophysical processes on earth. I do not know from what entities those forces emanate. I do know the resulting forces are real and can be measured, though.

Over the decades, I’ve studied the human superconscious, mostly in myself, wondering what inner engine drove me to do the things I did. I didn’t have to think about doing certain things. I just did them. Sometimes they were rational and positive; other times, not so.

One item I discovered over the years: there was a clear line between what I did consciously and how my mind functioned superconsciously.

And when I went to sleep each night, I knew there was a whole different creature that came alive and took me on endless journeys through space and time, introducing me to new thoughts, ideas, beliefs and ways of doing things in my life.

Twenty years ago, I woke up one morning and scrambled out of bed to write something down. Whatever was in my head at that moment had to come out, and it wasn’t going to wait for my conscious self, aka the bus driver, my typist, to take dictation. It was coming in like a flood, and that was that. When I got to my notepad, my hand started scribbling things down. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was writing. I just took it on faith that I had to do this.

After I was done auto writing, I looked at what had emerged: a single word, along with minor details about each letter of the word. In the coming weeks, I fleshed out the meaning of each letter, but most appeared that morning.

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It was an acronym, CHILD, and my superconscious communicated it to me, to explain what it was and how it operated. More or less.

C: the little Child in you, the curious wide-eyed being who sees the world without filters and preconceived notions about anything. A little sponge that senses things with wonder and awe.

H: the true Heart in you, the purely subjective part, filled with every conceivable emotion. Sees the world smartly but with passion and feeling.

I: your Intuition or information-gathering system, the sensory apparatus that receives every possible stimulus in the universe, much like a radio receives radio signals to produce spoken word and songs.

L: the cold, stainless-steel Logic that sees the world purely objectively, like a robotic computer that takes in and analyzes data in a totally impartial and neutral way, without emotion or feeling of any kind. Opposite of Heart.

D: the little Demon in you, that mischievous entity that plays pranks and does impish things. Can sometimes be very destructive and hurtful, so it’s kept in check by the other entities.

These ethereal beings all comprise the human superconscious, which is the true engine that drives each and every one of us in our daily lives.

They all work together and, depending on how one’s DNA is wired, sometimes for good and sometimes for evil. I will not get into the moral implications of good and evil, only stating that they exist in all of us to some extent and, in others, comprise their whole being. Sociopaths and psychopaths are an example.

We can choose to communicate with our CHILD, or we can ignore it and just float through life, going wherever it takes us. Most people just go with the flow, never once questioning their own existence or meaning or purpose.

Celestiophysics governs all geophysical and biophysical events and actions and behaviors on earth.

The movement and position of each heavenly body and all its associated celestiophysical behavior determine the behavior of humans each and every moment of our lives. And this celestiophysical behavior begins not at live birth but sometime during “conception,” when a sperm fuses with an egg and transfers/contributes its DNA to the corresponding unicellular body that will eventually become a human being.

During the first mechanical assembly of the unicellular body’s DNA, celestiophysics determine exactly how this organism will grow and mature, what path its life will take, and how it will end.

I call this our true destiny.

Most folks do not like the idea of not being in control of their own future. I used to be one of those people until I realized that I had no control over it. The only thing I could do was go “off map” and thus off my path of destiny, or go back “on map” again, my true path of destiny, the one I was wired to do.

Back to how that map of destiny is emplaced celestiophysically, using a simple example: the universe uses celestiophysics to “zap” that single cell, with mother’s DNA and father’s DNA, with a special imprint determined by where the planets and sun and our moon (whatever their physical makeup really is) are at that very moment and what their individual and collective celestiophysical behaviors are at the exact moment. It’s like getting hit by a bolt of lightning that somehow imprints a special map of destiny into your body.

So, if you subscribe to modern-day “astrology,” your birth month is not what determines your behavior on Mother Earth. Not by far.

You must either go back nine months to the moment of conception, or sometime around it, or ahead three months on the zodiac, to determine your true astrological sign of destiny. Nine months back or three months ahead, it’s the same mathematically.

So, what do you do with this new astrological sign?

You then must identify and communicate with someone who understands ancient astrology to write out a detailed astrological chart for you. Ideally, this would be someone who understands celestiophysics, but I’ve yet to find any human who does. For now, search and find a good astrologer.

The general behavior of each astrological sign, which can be found in well-established and respected astrologers’ books, may be accurate enough for you to determine your actual zodiac sign, i.e., the one nine months before you were actually born into this world.

For me, live-born on 26 November, I would normally be a Sagittarius. But with my current view of celestiophysics affecting its influence at some time during conception, I am actually a Pisces, the very first construction of my DNA occurring sometime on 26 February of the same birth year.

When I examine astrological charts created by respected astrologers who also understand how to do research in astrology, and not just spit out a chart via some computer program, the results more closely resemble who I really am and how I act and conduct my life. It’s eerie and uncanny. I hope you’ll not dismiss me outright but will try this yourself.

As a half-baked control, I’ve also examined the other zodiac charts. I have found they do not correspond to my behaviors, actions and overall personality like the charts for Pisces do.

These thoughts bring me to my personal philosophy, Subism. It holds that the human superconscious is direct communication with the universe and that celestial bodies (matter, energy, and unknown entities beyond earth) directly and indirectly influence all life on earth.

The philosophers of old weren’t familiar with celestiophysics, so they formulated their own ideas about how humans operate and function, and what makes us do the things we do.

I do not subscribe to or practice the philosophies of others, because they are all inaccurate, misleading and often destructive. Those people were completely ignorant of how the universe actually worked, so they based their life’s work on false assumptions that built an unsteady foundation, a mountain of detritus millions of people have followed and worshiped for millennia.

I suggest that we do all the things we do because of the strong, inexorable influences of celestiophysics and The Laws of The Universe.

Sometimes you may not recall a dream, but your superconscious is actively dreaming, sending little (and giant) messages up to your conscious self to do certain things, avoid other things. Dreams are one method the CHILD uses to communicate with your conscious self.

Interestingly, when your CHILD presents a dream to you, it does so in very rudimentary language, in the language of a human child.

We dream in metaphors and symbols and motifs, not in complete film-like visions. This method of communication is as old as the universe itself and is very effective. One must learn to accurately interpret the messages before any meaningful action can be taken.

Our CHILD only knows one method of talking to our conscious self, and that is in the language of a small voice that expresses itself using little vignettes that represent small words and actions. I’ve never heard of anyone dreaming in the language of an adult. Never. If someone tells you that they do in fact dream this way, it’s not a deep-sleep dream but a lucid dream, one you actually control because you’re partly conscious and are speaking or visualizing in the language of an adult. Again, one must be at least partially conscious during lucid dreaming.

During a very difficult time in my life some years back, I had a recurring dream: I was sitting in a bus filled with other people. I wasn’t talking or interacting with anyone, just sitting alone and minding my own business. Then the bus suddenly filled with water, as if we’d just plunged into the middle of an ocean. No one around me moved an inch or spoke anything to me or to each other. They all just sat there as the bus filled with water. I looked around, saw stone-cold faces on my fellow passengers, and tried frantically to get out.

And then the dream went lucid, where I could actually manipulate the dream in a semi-conscious state. I changed the dream, so I got out of that sinking bus, drove to my fave restaurant in LA, and drowned myself in many beers. At the time, a much better way of drowning, you ask me.

Since I had already known that my CHILD was responsible for communicating with me, I then figured out a way to interpret what they were trying to tell me. I didn’t get it at first, so the dream stayed with me each night for a week or so, until I woke up and listened better. To interpret my dream, which was in the absurdly simple patois of a child, I used the thoughts, ideas and words of a 4-year-old.

When I used this method, interpreting the dream in a child’s voice, the dream became clear:

“I can’t get out and no one will help me.”

Sounds silly or even simplistic, but it is accurate.

The very day I made this discovery, my life at that time changed dramatically. Allow me to share with you what actually happened to bring on the dream: I had just gone through a painful breakup with my partner and was destitute on all levels. The friends we had when we were together all became her friends, and I was left with no one to talk and share my thoughts with, or to grieve with, let alone get assistance or help from.

The dream told me that I was in a world of hurt and no one was coming to my aid, even when I actively asked for help. In the real world, I was on my own. I had a term for that in high school: yoyo, which means “you’re on your own” when things get really tough for you. I was yoyo for a long time until I realized what was actually happening. When I figured out my temporary predicament, I was able to change how I thought, how I acted, and consequently the actions I took to climb out of that dark hole from inside that sinking bus.

My CHILD knew what was going on all along and it tried to tell me, using the only language it knew—the small, yet significant, language of a sweet babe.

The first thing I recommend: learn how to feed it properly, to nurture it. You would do this with a human child, wouldn’t you? Your CHILD is even more important. It’s the entity within yourself that guides you through every moment of your entire life. How could you not want to nurture such a special being?

Your CHILD is energetic and rambunctious, has a voracious appetite for new adventures and actions, so get out in the world and do stuff. Travel to new places, meet new people, eat new foods, explore new vistas. If you cannot afford to go to Europe or Africa, explore your own town or city, or maybe drive to the next city or state and see what’s up there. If those things are not in your current budget, then find a way to make it happen, now that you know your superconscious needs these things.

Your CHILD loves to run and jump and play around, so get out and exercise your body, even if it’s a long walk or hike. If you’re going to be a sedentary writer, then your CHILD will eventually rebel. Yes, I do know some overweight writers who do well, but they don’t last too long. Unfortunately, they die young and the being that dies first is their CHILD.

This explains in part how people sometimes grow cold and distant, and they lose their humanity. In reality, they’re losing the most important part of them—their superconscious. They are also losing the ability to communicate with the most important entity in their lives: the universe via their own superconscious, or CHILD.

The CHILD inside you needs stimulation, and the world around you provides just that. So please take full advantage of your atmosphere and make it a daily routine to get out of your office and home and see different and stimulating sites, absorb what you sense all around you, roll in the grass, get dirty and make mud pies . . . something stimulating and invigorating. Take a one-minute cold shower every morning and after every workout. That wakes up and stimulates your CHILD.

There’s a new movement out there that is telling you to “ground” yourself with the earth. Actually get down on the bare ground and let it touch your skin. Mother Earth is one giant healing engine, so find out more about grounding and then implement your new-found knowledge.

What else? Take trips to local stores, shops, museums, businesses that produce something interesting to see designed or in the process of being built. Feed your imagination ’til its cup runneth over. There are no penalties for overfilling. When your CHILD has had enough, they will tell you.

Go to shows, films, performances and watch the beautiful artwork of people like you: they have a dream, design and build it, then do whatever it takes to implement it. Seeing the art of others is inspiring on all levels, especially when they’re actually creating it.

Go to the local hardware store and look at all the tools and items used to build things. Visit a restaurant and see how they prepare their meals. Talk with inspiring people, especially those who actively do cool stuff. My friends call Home Depot “Dino Day Care” because it’s where I roam and spend hours just walking around and absorbing stuff!

What a grand experience to observe artists designing and building artwork. It’s not unlike what I do when I create my own work, be it an article or a book. In fact, watching other artists may be the most inspiring thing you can witness for yourself when you go out on these excursions. I love watching glass-blowers. Especially the truly great ones who produce the world’s finest artisan glasswork, those Murano artists in Italy. Wao, they’re amazing to watch. When I’m done witnessing world-class art in motion, I leave with an all-body tingle. What an inspiration.

First, let’s consider when your CHILD is actually trying to communicate with you. An example: you’re sitting in a chair, writing away, and you get this nagging voice inside your head that says you need a small pillow at your lower back. Don’t ignore it. This is your superconscious telling you something: I want to feel comfortable when I share something important with you. That’s like a message from the highest power in the universe.

Those little voices that appear at all times of the day and night are your CHILD trying to tell you something. Listen to those voices. When you hear the calling of your superconscious, please pay attention to what it is trying to say, then, provided the command is a reasonable one, please act on it.

Once you start listening to your CHILD, they will say, “Thank you for listening to me! Now I’m gonna communicate with you more!”

And, from that point forward, if you continue to listen to your superconscious, they will give you more and more great knowledge and information that will not only enhance your life, but also teach you The Laws of The Universe and how to use them in everyday life.

Communicating with your CHILD is not that challenging. Again, if it tells you to do something and you do it, then you’re effectively communicating with them. Keep doing it. And when you go to bed at night (or during the day, depending on your lifestyle and schedule), ask out loud and write down some questions or topics you want them to mull over. The more you listen to them, the more they will respond and provide the information you need.

You can train them to give you more and more information by asking questions, writing them down, then sleeping on them. Keep asking the same questions over and over until you get what you want or need.

When asking questions or asking for assistance or help (yes, there is a difference!), please be kind to your superconscious. Remember, it is a child who understands when you are being impatient or downright tedious. You know how people say to treat yourself kindly and gently? They’re really saying you should be kind and gentle to the most important creature inside your head: your superconscious.

The reason I suggest you say what you want out loud is because when you speak it and hear your own words, your brain stores and processes that information in different areas, which work in unison to come to your aid. When you physically write it down, that too is stored and processed in another part of your brain. When you read your own words, that is also stored and processed in yet a different part of your brain. These working areas are also complex computing centers that help to enhance what you desire and wish for, and they help your CHILD make those wishes and dreams come true. Each reinforces the other that becomes a multiplicative effect: it strengthens all synaptic bonds and allows for growth and further learning.

Training your CHILD involves all the above steps, plus actively talking to it, and not just before you go to sleep. You can have meaningful conversations with them, not only asking questions but also asking for guidance and assistance.

The more you communicate with them, the more they respond and with better and more relevant information to help and guide you accurately.

The only time my CHILD has failed me is when I have ignored them. That fact, in itself, I find fascinating and compelling. My CHILD has never steered me in the wrong or in a negative direction. Ever. When I’ve chosen to go off-map, I’ve sometimes gotten into trouble. Yes, I’ve learned a lot from those experiential experiences, especially when off-map, but I’ve also paid a steep price for venturing off my universal path of destiny.

It takes time and effort, and you can do it. I’ve often consulted my Logic element to get an objective view on a particular subject. And when I’ve needed to discuss something about my love life, I’ve talked mostly to my Heart. Having five separate ultra-complex computer modules inside your head is like having a team of experts at your beck and call.

You must treat that team nicely and with great respect, or they will ignore you and your queries. Your CHILD will never be vengeful and send you down a wrong path; only your conscious self does that. The worst you can expect from your superconscious is silence, and that is the most crushing thing that could happen to your beautiful mind, not having the backing of one of the mightiest beings in the universe.

When your CHILD fails to talk to you or communicate with you, something is very wrong. Remember that your CHILD is just that: a child, so they need special attention.

Like I said, they will never steer you wrong, but they may get pouty and ignore you. If they do, ask what’s going on. When you go to bed, write down that question, plus a few others: Are you okay? Have I done anything to make you ignore me? What am I doing wrong here? How can I get back on track? Will you please assist me?

The times I’ve had my CHILD go silent were when I was not treating myself well. Be kind and gentle to yourself, and your CHILD will thank you in ways you cannot even imagine now. When you communicate well with your superconscious, you will find strong, positive ways to change your life. And you can thank a child for those gifts.

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